Check out the recording of Peter's latest speech. This was for a group of over 500 real estate agents in Charlotte, NC

Interested in hiring Peter for one of your events?

Peter has thousands of hours of public speaking experience and can speak on a variety of topics. See below some of the different topics he speaks on to decide which is right for your event or organization.

Business Topics

  • Time Management

  • Systems

  • Lead Generation

  • Follow Up

  • Lead Beacons & Funnels

  • Team Building

  • Database & CRMs

  • And more

Life Topics

  • Choose You

  • Choosing The People On Your Bus

  • How to Fail Better

  • Power of Gratitude

  • 3 Laws of the Universe That Affect Results

  • DISC Profiles & Assessments

  • The Power of Questions

  • And More

The majority of the above topics can be done LIVE or virtually. Schedule a call today to discuss having Peter present to your group or organization.

Have You Read

"Active Choices" yet?

Learn Here The Main Reasons Why You Should Choose be making Active Choices in Your Life

Make decisions that are based on personal values and goals th at are in alignment with what is important to you.

Active Choices help you to develop your self-awareness.

When you make Active Choices that are in alignment with your values and goals, you are more likely to feel happy, fulfilled, and successful.

Testimonials From

Active Choices Presentation

Call 919 849-5670


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